September 23, 2024
October brings a performance by a nationally known dance company, and exhibitions in theatre, art, literature, music and scholarship to Susquehanna University’s campus. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Lecture explores impact of AI on democratic societies
A field-shaping scholar, Gendler, who also serves as the Vincent J. Scully professor of philosophy and professor of psychology and cognitive science, brings together in her academic research the techniques of traditional Anglo-American philosophy with empirical work from neuroscience, psychology and other social sciences. Both in the classroom and on stage, she is renowned for her ability to connect ancient philosophical texts to any modern issue in a way that is both precise and engaging.
Her topic for the lecture will be the challenges presented to democratic societies by the rise of artificial intelligence.
Lecture shares the secrets of professional success
Cianni has worked with many of the most successful professionals in the world. Learn how these individuals started their careers, faced their fears, found their strides and honed their crafts. The stories bring to the forefront the attributes of courage, curiosity and compassion as ingredients of growing a rewarding career. Author of “The Consultant’s Compass,” Cianni has over 30 years of consulting experience and holds a doctorate in psychology from Penn State University.
‘The Skin and Its Girl’ author presents reading
Cypher is the author of “The Skin and Its Girl,” which follows a young, queer Palestinian American woman as she pieces together her great-aunt’s secrets, confronting questions of sexual identity, exile and lineage. Cypher’s debut novel was the winner of the 2024 Barbara Gittings Literature Award.
She holds a Master of Fine Arts from Warren Wilson College, where she was a Rona Jaffe Graduate Creative Writing Fellow in Fiction. Her writing has appeared in the Washington Post, Lit Hub, Electric Literature, North American Review, Crab Orchard Review and others.
Gallery presents 15th annual juried art exhibition
The Lore Degenstein Gallery’s 15th annual Figurative Art Exhibition will open with a reception at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26.
Student tours will be available at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 19, and Thursday, Nov. 21. The exhibition runs through Dec. 8.
This national, juried visual art competition and exhibition is open to two-dimensional figurative artists (referencing the human figure), working in painting, drawing and printmaking, who are over the age of 18. Prizewinners will be announced by the juror at the opening reception.
The Lore Degenstein Gallery, located in the Charles B. Degenstein Campus Center, is open seven days a week, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the academic year. It is closed during university breaks; call 570-372-4059 for an appointment when classes are not in session.
Music faculty present voice, piano recital
Susquehanna University music faculty will present a recital at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 27, in Stretansky Concert Hall in the Cunningham Center for Music and Art.
Jaime Namminga, assistant professor of music, on piano, and Amanda Russo Stante, assistant professor of music, mezzo-soprano, will present “Sunlight’s Magic and Moon’s Splendor,” which will feature art songs by American composers including Namminga herself, as well as Richard Hundley, Libby Larsen, Jake Heggie and Undine Smith Moore.
Artist Series presents Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company
Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for non-SU students.
Celebrating over 30 years of dance-making, the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company is a rare Asian American, female-created touring company that honors and advances the dynamic spirit of Chinese American cultural tradition. Nai-Ni Chen’s unique choreographic styles reflect the grace and splendor of the Chinese cultural traditions she studied in Taiwan and the dynamic spirit of modern and contemporary dance she acquired in New York.
The company has toured extensively in the United States and at international festivals around the world and has been honored with over 20 awards from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Halloween on the Ave. returns
Susquehanna University invites the Selinsgrove community to its annual Halloween on the Ave. from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, on University Avenue between Pine and Broad streets.
Students living on the avenue and other clubs and organizations will offer trick-or-treaters candy, games, food and activities — all for free!
Ticket information
Tickets can be purchased in person at the Degenstein Center Box Office Monday through Friday while classes are in session, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.; by calling 570-372-ARTS; or online at